Kareena Kapoor is making the most of her holiday in Italy with her husband Saif Ali Khan and sons Jeh and Taimur. Only hours after sharing a picture of her stunning view on her Instagram profile, the actress treated her fans to yet another view, but this time of her husband Saif Ali Khan, looking all dapper in a blue shirt and goggles. The scene is from Kareena's lunch date with Saif Ali Khan in Italy and is absolutely a treat to the eyes. Sharing the picture, Kareena Kapoor simply wrote "Lunch" in the caption and let the scenic view do all the talking.
Take a look at the post here:
Earlier in the day, Kareena Kapoor shared a picture of her stunning view featuring a swimming pool with a beach in the background. Kareena Kapoor captioned the image, "Zoom meeting view for the day."
Take a look at the view below:
A few days back, Kareena was found basking in the sun on a beach. In one of the pictures, Kareena can be seen dressed in swimwear that she wore with a shirt. She shared the sun-kissed picture on her Instagram stories. She added a GIF that had "sun and sea" written on it. She also posted a picture of the landscape and captioned it "Summertime."
Kareena Kapoor began the week with a trip to the beach. She posted pictures with her husband Saif Ali Khan and son Taimur and she captioned them, "Summer lunches."
This is the post that Kareena Kapoor shared:
Prior to her trip to Italy, Kareena Kapoor was enjoying some quality family time in London. While there, she was also joined by actress Sonam Kapoor and her sister Rhea Kapoor along with their husbands.
In terms of work, Kareena Kapoor was last seen in Aamir Khan's Laal Singh Chaddha. She will next be seen in The Devotion of Suspect X, co-starring Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat. The actress will also be seen in Hansal Mehta's untitled project. The actress will also star in Rhea Kapoor's The Crew, alongside Tabu, Kriti Sanon and Diljit Dosanjh.