KGF star Yash and wife Radhika Pandit are celebrating their anniversary today. On her Instagram profile, Radhika Pandit shared some mushy photos of herself and husband Yash and she captioned the post, "Happy anniversary my companion." Yash and Radhika Pandit are parents to two kids. The couple met on the sets of TV show Nandagokuland and they have worked together in films such as Drama, Mr And Mrs Ramachari and Santhu Straight Forward. They stepped into the Kannada film industry with the 2008 film Moggina Manasu.
Yash and Radhika got married in December 2016 and they welcomed their first child Ayra in December 2018 and their second one the following year. Check out Radhika Pandit's post here:
See some adorable photos of the couple here:
In terms of work, Yash was last seen in the smash hit KGF Chapter 2 with Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon. He will next be seen in a film titled Toxic. He will also star in Nitesh Tiwari's Ramayana with Ranbir Kapoor and Sai Pallavi. About Yash's character in Ramayana, a source told Pinkvilla, "Yash has a rather extended appearance in Ramayana: Part One, however, his character will dominate the proceedings in the second part, which is set in Sri Lanka. He has allotted 15 days to shoot for Ramayana: Part One."
Besides KGF, Yash is also known for his performances in films such as Rocky, Kallara Santhe, Gokula, Thamassu, Modalasala, Kirataka, Lucky, Chandra among others.