Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput's daughter Misha turned two on Sunday and the duo hosted a birthday party, which was attended by the family's close associates. Shahid Kapoor's fan clubs have shared pictures and videos from Misha's 'tooti frooti' themed birthday bash. In one of the video, Misha can be seen cutting her birthday cake with parents Shahid and Mira. Misha is in Shahid Kapoor's arms while Mira Rajput appears to be singing the birthday song for her little munchkin. Misha was dressed in a pink frock and looked cute as a button. Shahid Kapoor's brother Ishaan Khatter is also part of the video shared on the fan club.
Watch the video here.
Take a look at Misha's birthday cake, which was perfect for the 'tooti frooti' themed party.
Earlier Mira posted a picture of Misha on Instagram and wrote: "Happy Birthday to the light of our lives." Mira, who is expecting her second child, was spotted in a black and white short maternity dress.
Shahid Kapoor also shared a photo of the cutie patootie on Instagram and thanked fans for their wishes. "Thank you all for the birthday wishes," Shahid captioned the photo.
Shahid and Mira tied the knot in 2015 and became parents to Misha in 2016.
On the work front, Shahid Kapoor is gearing for the release of Batti Gul Meter Chalu, which also features Shraddha Kapoor. He will also feature in the Hindi remake of the film Arjun Reddy.