There are actresses and then there is Priyanka Chopra. From making fashion statements to keeping the audience on the edge of their seats with her screen presence, the global icon does it all with utmost ease and panache. Oh, and, there is a reason why Priyanka is our favourite ‘Desi Girl'. The actress, no matter where she is, never misses a chance to celebrate her Indian roots. And, her latest post is a testament to the statement. Priyanka with her singer-husband Nick Jonas paid a visit to Vikas Khanna's restaurant Bungalow in New York. The couple were joined by Priyanka's longtime manager and tech investor Anjula Acharia and Furhan Ahmed. In the picture, Priyanka, Nick, Anjula and Furhan are sitting at a table with chef Vikas Khanna. The decor has a whole vibe. Priyanka, in her note, has thanked Vikas Khanna for giving her “a taste of home.” She said, “Thank you Bungalow for begin incredible hosts. And Vikas thank you for a taste of home.”
Priyanka Chopra has also reshared a picture dropped by Anjula Acharia on Instagram Stories. The text on it read, “Cute NYC date night.”
Anjula Acharya also revealed that her “Punjabi jeej” Nick Jonas got a chance to taste his favourite paneer.
The post comes hours after Priyanka Chopra announced that she has wrapped the second season of Citadel. Sharing glimpses from the sets of the web series, Priyanka wrote, “A few days late but I've been on a roller coaster. We wrapped Citadel season 2!! This year has been a whirlwind for me but to be surrounded by so much love and support makes everything easier. I'm so grateful to the cast and crew and especially my team who propped me up. Now… I'm Diving into the holiday season. Sound on.”
Priyanka Chopra also has The Bluff in the pipeline.