Sara Ali Khan's latest Instagram post beautifully showcases her love for her “dadi jaan”, Sharmila Tagore. The veteran actress celebrated her 80th birthday on Sunday. To mark the milestone, Sara shared a carousel of photos and a video from the birthday bash. The post features the entire family, including Sara herself, the birthday girl, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Taimur Ali Khan, Jehangir Ali Khan, Soha Ali Khan, Kunal Kemmu, Inaaya, Saba Pataudi and other family members. In the clip, Sharmila Tagore is seen cutting a chocolate cake while the family gathers around and sings the birthday song. Sara captioned the post with the words: “Happy Birthday Dadi Jaan. Humari family ki Aan Aur Shaan.” Reacting to the post, Ayushmann Khurrana posted a heart, blessed face and folded hands emoji.
Sharmila Tagore's daughter Soha Ali Khan also posted a string of snaps from the same celebration. In the images, the family can be seen smiling, having fun and posing for the camera. “Full stomachs and even fuller hearts,” read Soha's side note.
In another upload, Soha Ali Khan dropped a photo from an intimate celebration featuring Sharmila Tagore and her grandkids – Inaaya, Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir Ali Khan. Soha's caption read, “The cake that mattered!! #happybirthday Badiamma.”
Wait, there is more. Saba Pataudi also didn't miss the chance to give us a sneak peek into Sharmila Tagore's special day. She shared a series of photographs, keeping everyone in the loop about the Khan family's celebration. “My gorgeous Ma Happiest Birthday. Love you to the moon n back ... stay healthy n in great spirits ALWAYS,” read the text attached to the post. Take a look:
On the work front, Sharmila Tagore was last seen in the 2023 film Gulmohar.