Sonam Kapoor's latest Instagram post, featuring her husband Anand Ahuja, her mother-in-law Priya Ahuja and father-law Sunil Ahuja, proves why we just can't seem to get enough of the actress' Instagram posts. On Sunday night, Sonam shared a picture from their fam-jam in London (going by Sonam's Instagram story), in which all the members of the Ahuja family, dressed in black outfits, can be seen happily posing for the camera. Sonam can be seen dressed in an oversized black coat and matching trousers. Just like us, the actress' fans too loved the picture and wrote comments such as "what a lovely family" and "perfect picture."
Take a look at Sonam Kapoor's post here:
Sonam also shared some fabulous pictures on her Instagram stories, in which the actress can be seen strolling happily on the streets of Notting Hill along with her family. This is what we are talking about:
Sonam Kapoor frequently shares pictures of her family on her Instagram profile and we simply love it. Sonam and Anand, who reportedly own a home in London were joined by Sonam's parents Anil and Sunita Kapoor and her siblings Rhea and Harshvardhan Kapoor, earlier this month. The Kapoor's celebrated Diwali in London.
Here are the pictures:
On the work front, Sonam Kapoor was last seen in Sanju. She has Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga, co-starring Rajkummar Rao and her father Anil Kapoor and The Zoya Factor, alongside Dulquer Salmaan in the pipeline. Both the films will hit the screens next year.
Anand Ahuja is the owner of fashion label Bhane. He also runs a sneaker brand called VegNonVeg.