Love is in the air as Ishqbaaz actress Surbhi Chandna recently got married to her boyfriend of 13 years, Karan Sharma. Days after their wedding, some unseen glimpses from the new bride's chooda ceremony have been doing the rounds on social media. Embracing tradition with elegance, Surbhi Chandna dazzled in a golden sequined ensemble for the chooda ceremony. Her ensemble, comprising a kurti, sharara, and sheer dupatta, was complemented by antique jewellery and a bindi. With her hair elegantly tied into a bun, she radiated sheer joy as her family showered her with rose petals. The photos also gave a closer look of Surbhi Chandna's customised kaleeras. Surbhi Chandna's golden kaleeras were specially crafted to reflect her love story with Karan Sharma. They were adorned with charms symbolising their journey together, including dogs, hearts, fishes, clapboards and best friend tags.
Sharing the photos on her Instagram handle, Surbhi Chandna wrote, "Felt such a rush of emotions during my chooda ceremony i avoided making eye contact with mum dad cause then i Knew I would start feeling the void of Drifting apart. My Heart felt Excitement To Start This New Phase of life the Pain Of Leaving My Parents and so much more. We wanted our wedding To be Joyous & Happy for all and Wanted to see Our Family Smile all along to see us tying the knot."
Earlier today, Surbhi Chandna also shared a video featuring glimpses from Sufi Night. The event took place a day before the wedding and was attended by Surbhi Chandna's Ishqbaaz co-stars including Shrenu Parikh, Mansi Srivastava, Neha Laxmi, Mreenal Deshraj and Kunal Jaisingh among others. In the video, Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma can be seen dancing their hearts out. They twinned in black outfits. While Surbhi Chandna wore a three-piece sequin co-ord set, Karan Sharma sported a black bandhgala and salwaar. Sharing the video on Instagram, Surbhi Chandna wrote, "Appreciation Post For The Husband. The Sufi night was just not any Ordinary Night. The Husband had a special segment planned for our lovely guests and we all had the privilege of dancing on Karan's tunes when Sir took over the DJ Console and had all of us in splits with his clap-worthy playlist.
On Friday, the couple returned from Jaipur, where the wedding took place. The couple greeted the paparazzi at Mumbai airport. This marks Surbhi Chandna and Karan Sharma's first public appearance after their wedding. Surbhi wore a bright yellow coloured suit featuring white detailing. She also sported chooda, mangalsutra and her wedding ring. Karan, on the other hand, opted for a white kurta teamed with blue denim jeans. The couple held hands while posing for the photos.