Allu Arjun was granted interim bail for four weeks, following his arrest on Friday evening in connection with the tragic death of a woman in a stampede during his latest film Pushpa 2's screening outside a Hyderabad theatre on December 4. After spending a night in prison, Allu Arjun returned his house in Jubilee Hills on Saturday morning. His friends and colleagues paid him a visit and pictures of happy faces went viral in no time. Celebrities like Naga Chaitanya, Rana Daggubati, Vijay Deverakonda, Pushpa director Sukumar, Daggubati Venkatesh met the actor at his residence. The Internet didn't approve of Allu Arjun's "celebrations" as a minor victim of the stampede still remains critical. The Internet criticised Allu Arjun for his "insensitivity". A comment read, "Today's non-stop celebrity visits and the publicity around it has tilted the scales in favour of Revanth Reddy. I am sure I am not the only one feeling that way. I like Allu Arjun but today should have been a day of introspection, not celebration."
Today's non-stop celebrity visits and the publicity around it has tilted the scales in favour of Revanth Reddy.
— Kartik Dayanand (@KartikDayanand) December 14, 2024
I am sure I am not the only one feeling that way.
I like Allu Arjun but today should have been a day of introspection, not celebration.
Another comment read, "Shamelessly celebrating the bail moments but no one cares about the women family. Overall Revanth Reddy portrayed as Daring leader who didnt feared of taking bold step." Another comment read, "The arrest was unfair and now that Allu Arjun is back, what is all this tamasha of the entire Tollywood descending in his house and every moment being captured on the lens! They are going overboard with this. It looks more like a PR stunt now and they need to simmer down."
The arrest was unfair and now that Allu Arjun is back, what is all this tamasha of the entire Tollywood descending in his house and every moment being captured on the lens!
— Nitin Mohan (@initin90) December 14, 2024
They are going overboard with this. It looks more like a PR stunt now and they need to simmer down.
An X user commented, "We should not expect all actors with such a trait, because men like @PawanKalyan comes once in million years.These are mere actors who make their living with publicity. all emotional scenes took place in front of press. needless to explain that it's not coincidental."
On December 4, a stampede broke out at a theatre in Hyderabad screening Pushpa 2 when Allu Arjun made what the police called an "unscheduled" visit to the auditorium. A woman was killed and her son was injured.