Earlier today, comedian Lilly Singh revealed that she has been diagnosed with ovarian cysts. She shared a video from the hospital room and wrote, "Spent the last day in the ER because my ovaries have the AUDACITY to be wilding out. Both of them have cysts. And I'm just out here like REALLY B?! Let me understand this. You're going to make me suffer once a month and then IN ADDITION, stab me in between periods?! LOLOLOLOL. WOW. THE ENTITLEMENT... the NERVE. IM WEAKKKK.... No but actually. It hurts and I'm tired lol but I truly expect nothing less than my organs doing the most. After all I am their mother." "Learning there are cysts on my ovaries," reads text on Lilly Singh's video. Jacqueline Fernandez wished her and wrote, "Praying for you." "Omg nooooo! I hope you feel better," commented YouTuber-singer Vidya Vox.
A fan commented, "You are such a gem to portray this so easily and with ease jokes apart all the blessings and prayers for you to get this all good asap." Another one commented, "Take care of yourself! I recently had a cyst the size of a tennis ball that ruptured and it was the most excruciating pain of my life."
Here's Lilly Singh's video:
Lilly Singh is famous for her funny videos and has 11 million followers on Instagram.
On the work front, Lilly Singh rose to fame with her YouTube channel Superwoman. She was recently seen in the second season of Hulu's comedy series Dollface.