Helena Bonham Carter is planning to cut down on acting assignments to focus on family.
The King's Speech star HelenaBonham Carter says it is time for her to take a break fromacting as she wants to concentrate on her life with directorTim Burton and their two children.
The 46-year-old actress, who played witch BellatrixLestrange in the Harry Potter films, has gone to such lengthsto keep her love for Burton alive that they live ininterconnected houses decorated to each one's taste.
Now, Carter is planning to cut down on acting assignmentsto focus on family, The Telegraph reported.
"Juggling motherhood with acting is hard and I'm droppingall the balls at the same time. You always feel like you'redoing everything badly," she said at the London Critics'Circle Film Awards, at the May Fair Hotel.
The couple live with their children, Billy, 10, and Nell,six, as well as a nanny, in three converted former artist'sstudios in north London.
"Tim's taking time out now, and I think I'll do the same.We're trying to be parents, which is harder than anythingelse," said Carter.
The 46-year-old actress, who played witch BellatrixLestrange in the Harry Potter films, has gone to such lengthsto keep her love for Burton alive that they live ininterconnected houses decorated to each one's taste.
Now, Carter is planning to cut down on acting assignmentsto focus on family, The Telegraph reported.
"Juggling motherhood with acting is hard and I'm droppingall the balls at the same time. You always feel like you'redoing everything badly," she said at the London Critics'Circle Film Awards, at the May Fair Hotel.
The couple live with their children, Billy, 10, and Nell,six, as well as a nanny, in three converted former artist'sstudios in north London.
"Tim's taking time out now, and I think I'll do the same.We're trying to be parents, which is harder than anythingelse," said Carter.