Cops say that they plan to follow up on the claims made by Chan in an interview where he boasted that years ago he carried guns and grenades
Hollywood superstar Jackie Chanhas landed in trouble over his remarks that he carried gunsand grenades in the past for personal protection fromgangsters as police wants to investigate his claims and verifyhis gun licenses.
Cops say that they plan to follow up on the claims madeby Chan in an interview where he boasted that years ago hecarried guns and grenades to defend himself against Hong Konggangsters, state run media here reported.
Chan, 58, made the claims in an interview with theGuangzhou-based magazine Southern People Weekly quoting him assaying that many Hong Kong actors were once bullied by localmafia-style gangs, and only he dared to confront them.
"I was at dinner once when more than 20 people withwatermelon machetes surrounded me. I had three guns with meand told them that they had gone too far," the magazine quotedChan as saying.
Chan said after that he even brought two guns and sixgrenades with him.
Official daily Global Times here quoted policespokesperson in Hong Kong as saying that since Chan is acelebrity, it is necessary to investigate his story.
If the story turns out to be true, the actor would haveblatantly breached gun-related regulations and if it is notthen he could be in trouble for spreading misleadinginformation to the public, the spokesperson said.
According to gun laws in Hong Kong, a license is requiredto carry a firearm. It is not known if Chan had ever beenissued a gun license by the Hong Kong Police Force.
Breaking the gun law in the region can net an offender afine of HKD 100,000 (USD 12,903) and up to 14 years in prison.
Chan, who starred in Hollywood hits like Rush Hour,Karate Kid, now appears to be backtracking from his originalboast in his online explanation of his statement to themagazine.
"I told the media about my unruly behaviour to expressthat I had thought of resorting to violence because of mylack of education. I cannot express myself properly sometimes,I only want to say that people need discipline, and ourgovernment should manage the public and resources in a fairway," Chan responded on his Sina Weibo microblog.
"I know the more I explain, the more questions will beasked about me," he added.
The police in Hong Kong have strictly regulated guns, andcrimes involving firearms have dropped dramatically in recentyears.
There was no crimes involving real guns in 2008 and 2010,China Newsweek quoted local police as saying.
"It will be hard to launch an investigation even ifJackie Chan tells the police he told the truth during theinterview, as it will be next to impossible to find witnessesand weapons," Gao Ming, a lawyer from the Shanghai-basedWanfang Law Firm, told the Global Times.
"They will also need to take timeliness intoconsideration since it happened many years ago. I think thepolice are probably using it as a promotion of their publicimage rather than truly investigating the incident," Gaoadded.
Cops say that they plan to follow up on the claims madeby Chan in an interview where he boasted that years ago hecarried guns and grenades to defend himself against Hong Konggangsters, state run media here reported.
Chan, 58, made the claims in an interview with theGuangzhou-based magazine Southern People Weekly quoting him assaying that many Hong Kong actors were once bullied by localmafia-style gangs, and only he dared to confront them.
"I was at dinner once when more than 20 people withwatermelon machetes surrounded me. I had three guns with meand told them that they had gone too far," the magazine quotedChan as saying.
Chan said after that he even brought two guns and sixgrenades with him.
Official daily Global Times here quoted policespokesperson in Hong Kong as saying that since Chan is acelebrity, it is necessary to investigate his story.
If the story turns out to be true, the actor would haveblatantly breached gun-related regulations and if it is notthen he could be in trouble for spreading misleadinginformation to the public, the spokesperson said.
According to gun laws in Hong Kong, a license is requiredto carry a firearm. It is not known if Chan had ever beenissued a gun license by the Hong Kong Police Force.
Breaking the gun law in the region can net an offender afine of HKD 100,000 (USD 12,903) and up to 14 years in prison.
Chan, who starred in Hollywood hits like Rush Hour,Karate Kid, now appears to be backtracking from his originalboast in his online explanation of his statement to themagazine.
"I told the media about my unruly behaviour to expressthat I had thought of resorting to violence because of mylack of education. I cannot express myself properly sometimes,I only want to say that people need discipline, and ourgovernment should manage the public and resources in a fairway," Chan responded on his Sina Weibo microblog.
"I know the more I explain, the more questions will beasked about me," he added.
The police in Hong Kong have strictly regulated guns, andcrimes involving firearms have dropped dramatically in recentyears.
There was no crimes involving real guns in 2008 and 2010,China Newsweek quoted local police as saying.
"It will be hard to launch an investigation even ifJackie Chan tells the police he told the truth during theinterview, as it will be next to impossible to find witnessesand weapons," Gao Ming, a lawyer from the Shanghai-basedWanfang Law Firm, told the Global Times.
"They will also need to take timeliness intoconsideration since it happened many years ago. I think thepolice are probably using it as a promotion of their publicimage rather than truly investigating the incident," Gaoadded.