Roohi star Janhvi Kapoor's adorable birthday post for rumoured boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya trumps everything else on the Internet today. Shikhar, who was earlier clicked with Janhvi Kapoor at the Tirupati Balaji Temple in Andhra Pradesh, made it to the actress's Instagram stories as she wished him on his big day by sharing two absolutely cute pictures. In one frame, the duo can be seen walking, hand-in-hand, with their back to the camera. Sharing the image, Janhvi captioned it, "Happy Birthday Shikhu." In the second frame, we are treated with an endearing picture of Shikhar from his childhood. Sharing the picture, Janhvi writes, "HBD Shikhar, don't be grumpy."
Take a look at the posts here:
Janhvi Kapoor's younger sister Khushi also wished Shikhar on his birthday by sharing a picture with him. Take a look at it here.
Earlier today, actor Janhvi Kapoor was spotted with her rumoured boyfriend Shikhar Pahariya during her visit to Tirupati Balaji Temple. She was accompanied by her sister Khushi Kapoor as well.
On Janhvi 's birthday in March, Shikhar dropped an adorable post. Sharing an unseen silhouette photo with Janhvi, he wrote, "Happy birthday."
Take a look at the post here:
The duo has not commented on their relationship even though they have been spotted in public several times. Shikhar is the grandson of former Maharashtra chief minister Sushil Kumar Shinde. He is an entrepreneur, polo player, and philanthropist. Shikhar was said to be in a relationship with Janhvi several years ago before they separated.
On the work front, Janhvi has an interesting line-up of movies in her kitty. She will be seen in director Nitesh Tiwari's film Bawaal alongside Varun Dhawan. She will also feature in a sports drama film Mr and Mrs Maahi opposite Rajkummar Rao. Recently, she began shooting for their upcoming film NTR 30 with a pooja ceremony.