Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor, Ananya Panday and Tara Sutaria were the first row spectators at Manish Malhotra's show, in which he unveiled the latest festive collection. His muses for the evening were Lust Stories actress Kiara Advani and Kartik Aaryan, who had also walked the ramp for the designer with Kareena Kapoor in Singapore earlier this year. Manish Malhotra's collection appears to be ideal for the Gen Next, which formed his basic guest list. We also spotted Sophie Choudry (a Manish Malhotra loyalist), Ananya's cousin Alanna Panday (daughter of Deanne Panday) and singer-songwriter Ananya Birla (daughter of industrialist Kumar Mangalam Birla) at the show. Here's a selfie Manish Malhotra shared with the creme de la creme of the show:
Janhvi picked a red contrast striped gown from Manish's collection while Khushi opted for a for a embellished skirt and off-shoulder crop top with dramatic sleeves. Like their mother Sridevi, both Janhvi and Khushi swear by Manish Malhotra's designs.
Now, take a look at the showstoppers for the evening - Kartik Aaryan and Kiara Advani.
Kiara's outfit style is a must have in wardrobe for this festive season. Take a look:
Student Of The Year 2 actress Ananya Panday picked an embellished gown with a dreamy finish while Alanna's outfit is the right blend of Indian and western. Both sisters looked fabulous in their respective outfits.
Ananya's Student Of The Year 2 co-star Tara Sutaria showcased a more Indo and less western side of the collection. The former Disney India star wore a heavily embroidered lehenga choli in pearl white finish. Ananya Birla's dress was in contrast to Tara Sutaria's Indian outfit.
Which Manish Malhotra creation did you like the best? Tell us in the comments section below.