Janhvi Kapoor and Anshula Kapoor shared the same throwback picture on their respective Instagram accounts on Monday and the captions on their posts are winning the Internet. Janhvi shared a picture which appears to be from an amusement park as the duo can be seen sitting on a roller coaster and we must tell you that the expressions on their faces are simply priceless. Janhvi captioned the post: "Throwback to the first, but clearly not the last roller coaster we'll be on together. I love you." A few hours later, Anshula shared the picture on her Instagram story and added another interesting caption to it. She wrote: "Love you more than pizza." Janhvi's post received lots of love from fans and it has over 2 lakh likes on Instagram as of now.
Take a look at Janhvi Kapoor's post here:
Here's the screenshot of Anshula Kapoor's Instagram story.
Janhvi is the elder of Boney Kapoor and Sridevi's two daughters. Janhvi's younger sister is Khushi Kapoor, while Anshula is Boney Kapoor's daughter with his first wife Mona Shourie. Anshula's elder brother is actor Arjun Kapoor. Janhvi and Anshula are often spotted together and frequently feature on each other's Instagram accounts. Here's proof.
When the trailer of Janhvi's debut film Dhadak released in June this year, Anshula Kapoor shared an adorable note for Janhvi. "My cutie Janhvi Kapoor's trailer is out now for the world to see and I cannot be more proud or more excited. My mind has officially been blown by both my Jaanu and Ishaan," read an excerpt from Anshula's post.
Janhvi Kapoor made her Bollywood debut with Shashank Khaitan's Dhadak, co-starring Ishaan Khatter. Janhvi will next be seen in Karan Johar's Takht. The film also stars Kareena Kapoor, Ranveer Singh and Anil Kapoor among others.