Hey folks, the long wait is finally over. Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan arrived at the audio launch event in Chennai and in style. A number of pictures shared by fan clubs on X, show the King Khan, entering the event, followed by his team. For the launch, Shah Rukh Khan can be seen wearing a white T-shirt with a black jacket on top and jeans. He completed his look by wearing goggles. Sharing the new pics, a fan page wrote, "The moment we've all been waiting for! King Khan has graced us with his presence at the Jawan pre-release event. Get ready to cheer, Let's make some noise."
Take a look at the post here:
🌟 The moment we've all been waiting for! King Khan has graced us with his presence at the Jawan pre-release event. Get ready to cheer, Let's make some noise!🎉👑🌟@iamsrk @RedChilliesEnt @Atlee_dir #JawanPreReleaseEvent #Jawan #JawanTrailer #ShahRukhKhan
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) August 30, 2023
WELCOME TO… pic.twitter.com/3h13CxNIH6
In another video shared, we can see the Pathaan star enjoying the show while being seated alongside his Jawan co-star Vijay Sethupathi and the film's music composer Anirudh.
See the video below:
The THUNDER is here to raise the temperature 🔥💥⚡@iamsrk @RedChilliesEnt @Atlee_dir #JawanPreReleaseEvent #Jawan #JawanTrailer #ShahRukhKhan
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) August 30, 2023
Our favourite so far is however this adorable video doing the rounds on X where Shah Rukh Khan can be seen greeting Farzi star Vijay Sethupathi with a warm hug. Take a look at the video below:
A warm welcome for hamara Jawan in Chennai ❤️🔥💝@iamsrk @RedChilliesEnt @Atlee_dir #JawanPreReleaseEvent #Jawan #JawanTrailer #ShahRukhKhan
— Shah Rukh Khan Universe Fan Club (@SRKUniverse) August 30, 2023
Before attending the Jawan audio launch, superstar Shah Rukh Khan was pictured offering prayers at the shrine of Mata Vaishno Devi atop Trikuta hills in the Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir, ahead of the release of his much-anticipated film Jawan. According to PTI, the 58-year-old actor reached the shrine late Tuesday night to pay his obeisance.
A short video showing the actor at the shrine, dressed in a hooded blue jacket and his face fully covered, went viral on social media.
Here is the video we are talking about:
The last time he went #VaishnoDevi temple he gave a blockbuster movie #Pathaan and now once again he is going. जय माता दी 🙏🙏#ShahRukhKhan #JawanPreReleaseEvent #Jawan #NotRamaiyaVastvaiya pic.twitter.com/CApaZ7Z8cH
— Jawan (@SonuK57) August 30, 2023
Directed by Atlee and produced by SRK and Gauri Khan's Red Chillies Entertainment, Jawan is slated to release on September 7, this year in n Hindi, Tamil, and Telugu. Besides Shah Rukh Khan, Nayanthara, and Vijay Sethupathi in pivotal roles, Jawan also stars Deepika Padukone in a special appearance, along with Sanya Malhotra, Priyamani, Girija Oak, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Lehar Khan, Aaliyah Qureshi, Ridhi Dogra and Sunil Grover.