Tim Burton has worked with Johnny Depp in eight films
Director Tim Burton says he enjoysworking with actor Johnny Depp because of his ability as acharacter actor.
Burton has worked with Depp in eight films includingEdward Scissorhands, Ed Wood and Sweeney Todd and hesaid that it is great filming with the 49-year-old actor as healways brings something different to his roles, reportedContactmusic.
"It's enjoyable working with him. I like actors that liketo become characters. Some actors make a career out of beingthemselves in a movie. But I've always enjoyed those realcharacter actors that just like to become different creatures,and he's that way," Burton said.
"In Scissorhands, he didn't speak. On Ed Wood, hedidn't shut up! On 'Sweeney Todd' he sings. He's always tryingsomething different on every movie. It's always a newterritory with him," he added.
Burton has worked with Depp in eight films includingEdward Scissorhands, Ed Wood and Sweeney Todd and hesaid that it is great filming with the 49-year-old actor as healways brings something different to his roles, reportedContactmusic.
"It's enjoyable working with him. I like actors that liketo become characters. Some actors make a career out of beingthemselves in a movie. But I've always enjoyed those realcharacter actors that just like to become different creatures,and he's that way," Burton said.
"In Scissorhands, he didn't speak. On Ed Wood, hedidn't shut up! On 'Sweeney Todd' he sings. He's always tryingsomething different on every movie. It's always a newterritory with him," he added.