Ranbir Kapoor, busy with the promotional duties of Shamshera, checked into Star Plus' show Ravivaar with Star Parivaar, along with his co-star Vaani Kapoor. Many videos from the show are trending on social media. In one of the videos, Ranbir Kapoor can be seen taking parenting tips from Anupamaa star Rupali Ganguly. "Duniya ka sabse best pitah banna hai toh aap mujhe help karenge ki main kya kar sakta hun? (Can you help me with tips to become the world's best father?)" said Ranbir. Rupali replied by teaching Ranbir how to hold a baby.
Check out the video here:
This is so cuteee @TheRupali mam teaching Ranbir about handing a baby This Ravivaar is going to Dhamakedaar man Superrr excited #Anupamaa #RanbirKapoor #ravivaarwithstarparivaar pic.twitter.com/LC2T4Zp8LQ
— Anupamaa_motherland (@Anupamaamother) July 7, 2022
Ruplai Ganguly also posted pictures with Ranbir Kapoor on Instagram and she wrote: "An actor par excellence. An extremely humble down to earth superstar. A talent unparalleled. My absolute favorite actor."
Alia Bhatt announced her pregnancy in an Instagram post last month. She captioned it: "Our baby... Coming soon."
Meanwhile, Alia Bhatt opened up about the way Ranbir Kapoor proposed to her in Maasai Mara (Kenya) during her appearance on Karan Johar's talk show Koffee With Karan 7. "In terms of Ranbir and his planning, he totally blew my mind away because I was not expecting it. We were not even talking about it. We were talking about it for a very long time but then there were so many pandemic delays, that we decided we won't talk about it. We'll just go with feeling. And that's exactly what he did. He didn't tell anyone. He just carried the ring and he did it in the most amazing place, Maasai Mara," said Alia Bhatt. Ranbir even planted the guide to take pictures of the special moment, Alia revealed on the show. The couple got married in April this year.