Kareena Kapoor, who is vacaying in the Maldives with her sister Karisma Kapoor, sons Taimur and Jehangir, and nephew Kiaan, has shared a new picture from her beach diary. The actress jetted off the island nation earlier this week. In the recent post she shared on her Instagram story, the actress is soaking in the sun at the seashore with Jeh. Bebo looked gorgeous in a black swimsuit while Jeh happily played with his toy. Sharing the post, she wrote, "Where I belong."
Here have a look:
Earlier, Kareena Kapoor shared a picture of Taimur and nephew Kiaan enjoying their day on the beach. Sharing the picture, the actress captioned it as "Brothers," along with two heart emoticons.
Here have a look:
Kareena, on Tuesday, announced her OTT debut (Netflix) with Sujoy Ghosh's next. She shared a video and several pics with Jaideep Ahlawat and Vijay Varma and captioned it as, "And so it begins..."
The untitled murder mystery is based on Japanese bestseller The Devotion of Suspect X.
Spilling the beans about the project, Kareena told Hindustan Times, "The film is a screen adaptation of a work which was a global bestseller. It has so many aspects to it... murder, mystery, thrill and much more, which put in the hands of our inimitable director Ghosh is something I am eager to start work on."
"It's the beginning of an electrifying journey and I can't wait for audiences worldwide to see this global bestseller book come to life," the 41-year-old actor added.
Meanwhile, Kareena Kapoor is awaiting the release of her film Laal Singh Chaddha, co-starring Aamir Khan. The film is an official Hindi remake of Tom Hanks' Forrest Gump. The film is slated to release in theatres on August 11.