On Tuesday, Vicky Kaushal shared a photo straight from his gym and it is going viral on the web. In the shared photo, the Raazi actor is showing off his toned and fit body and is posing in front of a mirror. Sharing the photo, Vicky Kaushal wrote, "Feeling vain might delete never. #postshootdrill #wip." The photo has close to nine lakh likes. Vicky's father Sham Kaushal commented, "Love u Puttar & proud of u. Keep it up. Blessings." Mini Mathur wrote, "DED," followed by lit emojis. Shireen Mirza commented, "Khatarnak." Anil Kapoor left an array of lit and clapping emojis in the comment section.
Not just celebs, even fans commented on Vicky Kaushal's latest post. One wrote, "haayeeeee mera dil." "Katrina is lucky," commented another. Another fan wrote, "Soo hawt @vickykaushal09." "Tell me I'm not dreaming!!!" wrote another one.
Check out the photo here:
On Tuesday, Vicky Kaushal shared BTS from Mussoorie, where he was shooting for his next. He captioned the video as "Mussoorie!!! Thank You for being so loving and breathtakingly beautiful. Leaving my heart behind in the mountains. See you soon!" In the video, Vicky is also seen interacting with the fans.
Check out the video here:
On the work front, Vicky Kaushal has interesting projects lined up. He will be seen opposite Sara Ali Khan. The title of the film is yet to be finalised. Vicky Kaushal also has Govinda Naam Mera with Bhumi Pednekar and Kiara Advani, which will release in June 2022. He will also be seen in Sam Bahadur.