Justin Timberlake says he would like to see Ben Affleck as Batman.
Los Angeles:
Justin Timberlake thinks BenAffleck would make an excellent Batman but when it comes tohim, the singer-actor would prefer playing caped crusader'sarch enemy - the Riddler.
Timberlake, who has starred in films like The SocialNetwork, In Time and Friends with Benefit, is confidentthat Affleck, who has been facing the online fury of thesuperhero fans, would surprise with his portrayal of BruceWayne.
"Ben Affleck as Batman, I like it. I worked with Ben lastsummer and I've seen his process. I think he's a brilliantfilmmaker. I think he's an extreme talent so he could surprisea lot of people," Timberlake told Fresh 102.7's Jim and Kimshow.
When asked whether Timberlake would want to play Robinopposite his Runner Runner co-star, Timberlake said he wouldrather be the villain than the superhero.
"Not a chance in hell I ain't playin' Robin. I have noaspiration to ever be a superhero in a movie. Now VILLAIN!I'll tell you the villain I want to play more than anythingbecause I grew up loving Batman, funny enough, is the Riddler.
The Riddler is my favourite villain," Timberlake said.
"The Riddler was like a sociopath. He was proper crazy.So if I'm gonna play crazy, I'm wanna play proper crazy. I'mready. The Riddler. Gimme a call," he added.
Timberlake, who has starred in films like The SocialNetwork, In Time and Friends with Benefit, is confidentthat Affleck, who has been facing the online fury of thesuperhero fans, would surprise with his portrayal of BruceWayne.
"Ben Affleck as Batman, I like it. I worked with Ben lastsummer and I've seen his process. I think he's a brilliantfilmmaker. I think he's an extreme talent so he could surprisea lot of people," Timberlake told Fresh 102.7's Jim and Kimshow.
When asked whether Timberlake would want to play Robinopposite his Runner Runner co-star, Timberlake said he wouldrather be the villain than the superhero.
"Not a chance in hell I ain't playin' Robin. I have noaspiration to ever be a superhero in a movie. Now VILLAIN!I'll tell you the villain I want to play more than anythingbecause I grew up loving Batman, funny enough, is the Riddler.
The Riddler is my favourite villain," Timberlake said.
"The Riddler was like a sociopath. He was proper crazy.So if I'm gonna play crazy, I'm wanna play proper crazy. I'mready. The Riddler. Gimme a call," he added.