On Monday, Kajal Aggarwal shared a mushy post on her Instagram handle. The pictures are from Kajal Aggarwal's baby shower. In the pic, Kajal can be seen all smiles along with her husband Gautam Kitchlu as they pose for the camera. Sharing the post, Kajal wrote: "गोदà¤à¤°à¤¾à¤ˆ," (Baby shower). Kajal Aggarwal and Gautam Kitchlu got married on October 30, 2020, in an intimate ceremony after dating for several years. Kajal made her debut with the film Kyun! Ho Gaya Na... in 2004. Her first Telugu film was released in 2007 tilted Lakshmi Kalyanam.
See Kajal Aggarwal's post here:
Last month, Kajal Aggarwal announced her pregnancy with her husband Gautam Kitchlu. In the post, Kajal can be seen showing off her baby bump. Kajal can be seen dressed in a green gown whereas Gautam wore a semi-casual outfit. Along with the picture, she wrote: "So, I close my eyes to old ends. Open my eyes to new beginnings! Happy new year fam, Immensely grateful for 2021 Look forward to entering 22 with wisdom, kindness and love in our hearts :)"
Check out Kajal Aggarwal's post here:
Gautam Kitchlu also shared the news on his Instagram account. Sharing the post, Gautam wrote: "Here's looking at you 2022," along with a pregnant women emoji. In the photograph, the actress can be seen wearing a yellow top as she poses for the camera.
See Gautam Kitchlu's post here:
On Valentine's Day, Kajal Aggarwal shared a picture and captioned it as: "Bugging this cutie since 2012! Happy V day, everyday."
See Kajal Aggarwal's post here:
On the work front, Kajal Aggarwal will be next seen in Hey Sinamika. The film is a romantic-comedy film, written by Madhan Karky and directed by Brinda. The film stars Dulquer Salmaan and Aditi Rao Hydari. Hey Sinamika will release in theatres on February 25, 2022.