Rajkummar Rao and Kangana Ranaut co-starred for the first time in 2014 in National Award-winning film Queen and four years after that, the actor said his bonding with Kangana has grown stronger over the years. Rajkummar, who will return to the screen with Kangana in upcoming movie Mental Hai Kya, told IANS that there's a level of comfort while working with Kangana after years of association: "We have become way more comfortable with each other than we were earlier because (that time) I did not know her and she did not know me. But now it's been about three-four years, we kept meeting in between at different events and parties. So, the comfort level is definitely there," IANS quoted Rajkummar as saying.
Rajkummar's rapport with Kangana appears to be in contrast with what other colleagues of the 31-year-old actress have featured in headlines for. While filming war drama Rangoon, Shahid Kapoor and Kangana Ranaut continued their cold war all throughout, giving explosive interviews to various publications. It appeared to start after Kangana referred to Rangoon as a "three hero" film in an interview. In response, Shahid said: "Why doesn't she say there are three heroines in the film? Is there anything less in being a heroine?" in an interview to DNA.
Rangoon also starred Saif Ali Khan, who joined Kangana on the controversial episode of Koffee With Karan, in which the actress assigned the term "flag bearer of nepotism" to Karan Johar. The nepotism battle took an ugly turn with the two celebs taking frequent digs at each other and reached its zenith at the 18th edition of the IIFA Awards.
Meanwhile, who doesn't know of infamous public feud between Kangana Ranaut and Hrithik Roshan? In repeated claims, Kangana alleged an affair, which Hrithik has continued to deny, in turn alleging that she was fabricating a romantic relationship. Kangana and Hrithik spent most of 2016 exchanging legal notices. They have been co-stars of films such as Kites and Krrish 3.
More recently, after Sonu Sood quit Kangana's Manikarnika citing clashing dates with Simmba, the actress claimed that: "He refused to work under a woman director." Soon enough, Sonu dismissed the claim in an interview to PTI and said: "Kangana is a dear friend and she will always remain one but this constant playing the woman card, the victim card and making this entire issue about male chauvinism is ridiculous." Kangana is directing few portions of Manikarnika as director Krish has moved on to his next project - the biopic on Nandamuri Taraka Rama Rao.
Meanwhile, reports also stated that Kangana has signed a non-interference clause with the team of her next film Panga, something which was dismissed by director Ashwini Iyer Tiwari, who told PTI: "For me, Panga is a story which I wanted to tell. A story very close to my heart and I could see only Kangana bringing life to the character. I request everyone not to be judgemental and together allow me to breathe the air of oneness like the support and love you have given me for my previous films."
Kangana Ranaut and Rajkummar Rao's Mental Hai Kya is slated to hit screens on February 22. Manikarnika is expected to hit screens on January next year.
(With agency inputs)