Karan Johar has piled up behind-the-scenes stories to woo the audience. Almost a week after his film Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kaahani released in theatres, the director and actors attended a press meet in Mumbai to celebrate the success of the movie. The success meet revealed many BTS stories. The Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kaahani makers also dropped the wedding song of the movie Kudmayi today. Karan Johar revealed that the song was shot just four days after Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's marriage in April, 2022. Therefore, Alia Bhatt's reel mehendi was actually her shaadi mehendi from real life. Karan Johar says in Hindi (Translated): "Alia and Ranbir Kapoor got married. After four days, we shot this song. So actually Alia got married twice in a week then. One in real life, another in reel life. The mehendi, shown in the movie, was Alia's mehendi from her real shaadi. We had only darkened it. The song was shot in Jaisalmer."
Karan Johar also added that his heart broke as the song was not used properly in the movie for the restriction of time-span. Therefore they launched the song separately.
Alia Bhatt, sharing the track on social media, on Thursday, wrote, "This song gives me butterflies every single time! Kudmayi out now." Take a look at the post here:
Sharing the song, Karan Johar wrote, "Love's got a new song - Kudmayi is out now for your heart to be filled with all things prem," he wrote. Ranveer Singh captioned it, "A song made with love, for love!"
Take a look at the post here:
Meanwhile, Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kaahani is doing well in theatres despite having mixed reviews. With this film, Karan Johar returned to the director's seat after seven years.