Anushka Sharma just hopped on the trend by taking part in the "Guess The Gibberish" challenge on Instagram. In this challenge, a popular term or a word appears in the form of haphazard spelling which the participant needs to decode and say before time runs out. Anushka Sharma, on Thursday, shared a set of Instagram stories where she took the challenge and looks like, she aced it. But seems like, there is more to the game. The actress seems to be having a revenge game of sorts with filmmaker Karan Johar. Anushka shared a story where she wrote, "Posting this for Karan Johar who thinks I'm terrible at this. Take this you." In another story, Anushka wrote, "And take that Karan Johar." Reacting to Anushka's stories, Karan Johar wrote, "Eating the humble pie, Anushka Sharma." Take a look:
Anushka seems to be game for everything fun in coronavirus lockdown. The 31-year-old actress, who is currently staying with her parents and cricketer-husband Virat Kohli, keeps sharing snippets of their monopoly sessions on Instagram profile. A few days back, Anushka shared an adorable family picture with her parents and Virat where everyone was seen enjoying a game of monopoly. "It was a super close game of Monopoly and the competitive side of everyone was out there. Any guesses who won," wrote Anushka.
In coronavirus lockdown, Anushka is doing it all - from giving haircut to Virat with kitchen scissors to being "that one particular fan" for Virat. Take a look:
On the work front, Anushka was last seen in the 2018 romantic drama Zero where she shared screen space with Shah Rukh Khan and Katrina Kaif. The actress has not announced her upcoming projects yet, but her production house Clean Slate Films will back Netflix's >Mai.