Sriram Raghavan, who is teaming upwith Saif Ali Khan after Ek Haseena Thi, says their upcomingspy thriller Agent Vinod is more ambitious than his previouswork and will see the actor in an entirely new avatar.
It was Raghavan who gave Saif his career's first negativerole which not only earned rave reviews but also helped theactor bag two other important roles of his life - BeingCyrus and Omkara.
Raghavan spent two and half years making his latestthriller. The director feels the film is bigger and moreambitious than his previous outings.
"When a film of yours releases, you don't think that yournext one would arrive after four years. On Agent Vinod Ispent two and a half years. Having said that, I never feltthat there was a lot of time going into it. On the contrary, Ienjoyed the process," Raghavan said.
"Agent Vinod is an ambitious film. Ek Haseena Thi aswell as Johnny Gaddaar were far more intimate films. Thisfilm was meant to be bigger and hence the sheer logistics anddynamics changed," he added.
If Raghavan is to be believed, his film will not featureSaif and Kareena Kapoor in a quintessential romantic role.A spy thriller that travels continents, the film alsopromises to present Kareena in a different light altogether.
"Since Saif and Kareena are a couple, it was pretty muchweighing on our mind how should we present them on screen.There had to be a good enough role that justified her presenceand along with my co-writer, I actually spent quite some timein cracking it before narrating the part to her," he said.
"Kareena is going to be a surprise in the film. Theaudience would forget that it is a real life pairing."
Acknowledged as someone who knows a thing or two abouttelling thrilling tales, the director is happy to narrate anew story with Agent Vinod while also deconstructing theSaif Ali Khan that is known to the audience.
"In Ek Haseena Thi, Saif was this charming andcharismatic man though quite cunning and inherently negative.In Agent Vinod, he is not a bad guy though he has this suavecharm and the brains that get him out of the trickiest ofsituations.
"Still, it is a new Saif for the audience. He is going tosurprise again after Omkara and Being Cyrus. He is betterthan the best we have seen of him so far," said Raghavan.The film is slated to hit the screens on March 23.
It was Raghavan who gave Saif his career's first negativerole which not only earned rave reviews but also helped theactor bag two other important roles of his life - BeingCyrus and Omkara.
Raghavan spent two and half years making his latestthriller. The director feels the film is bigger and moreambitious than his previous outings.
"When a film of yours releases, you don't think that yournext one would arrive after four years. On Agent Vinod Ispent two and a half years. Having said that, I never feltthat there was a lot of time going into it. On the contrary, Ienjoyed the process," Raghavan said.
"Agent Vinod is an ambitious film. Ek Haseena Thi aswell as Johnny Gaddaar were far more intimate films. Thisfilm was meant to be bigger and hence the sheer logistics anddynamics changed," he added.
If Raghavan is to be believed, his film will not featureSaif and Kareena Kapoor in a quintessential romantic role.A spy thriller that travels continents, the film alsopromises to present Kareena in a different light altogether.
"Since Saif and Kareena are a couple, it was pretty muchweighing on our mind how should we present them on screen.There had to be a good enough role that justified her presenceand along with my co-writer, I actually spent quite some timein cracking it before narrating the part to her," he said.
"Kareena is going to be a surprise in the film. Theaudience would forget that it is a real life pairing."
Acknowledged as someone who knows a thing or two abouttelling thrilling tales, the director is happy to narrate anew story with Agent Vinod while also deconstructing theSaif Ali Khan that is known to the audience.
"In Ek Haseena Thi, Saif was this charming andcharismatic man though quite cunning and inherently negative.In Agent Vinod, he is not a bad guy though he has this suavecharm and the brains that get him out of the trickiest ofsituations.
"Still, it is a new Saif for the audience. He is going tosurprise again after Omkara and Being Cyrus. He is betterthan the best we have seen of him so far," said Raghavan.The film is slated to hit the screens on March 23.