Karisma Kapoor, on Tuesday, treated her fans to a brand new picture of herself. The actress sure is a stunner as she can pull off any look with the utmost ease and grace. Her latest picture is a proof of that as she can be seen posing in her comfy night suit. She can be seen wearing pink striped night suit, which had 'Lolo' written on its front pocket. In the picture, Karisma Kapoor can be seen soaking up the sun after some days of rainfall. She can be seen sitting on a chair as sunlight falls on her face. Spreading some positivity through her caption, Karisma wrote: "Still only in my pj's but keep smiling and stay full of hope." Many fans of the actress commented on her post and dropped heart emojis in the comments section of the post. "Barbie," commented an Instagram user.
Take a look at Karisma Kapoor's new Instagram entry here:
Going by Karisma Kapoor's Instagram feed, it is safe to say that the actress loves the camera, and the feeling is mutual. She often shares fabulous pictures of herself from her every day life on social media. She often spreads positivity with the captions of her Instagram posts.
Earlier this month, Karisma shared a post-workout picture with her fans on Instagram. In the picture, she can be seen glowing as she poses wearing a black sports bra. In the caption, she advised her fans to "stay positive."
Check out Karisma's post here:
Here are some of those throwback pictures:
In terms of work, Karisma Kapoor was last seen in web-based show Mentalhood, co-starring Shruti Seth, Sandhya Mridul and Shilpa Shukla. Karisma's last Bollywood film is Dangerous Ishhq. She also appeared in special roles in Zero and Bombay Talkies.