Karisma Kapoor's latest entry on Instagram will take away your mid-week blues instantly. The actress, on Wednesday, posted a drool-worthy photo of herself describing how her morning began. In the picture, Karisma Kapoor can be seen sporting a pink night gown and savouring a slice of pizza with a mesmerising view of the beach. "Pizza for breakfast kinda morning," the actress wrote in the caption of her post and added the hashtag #wednesdayvibes. Everyone knows that Karisma Kapoor and ever her sister and actress Kareena Kapoor are self-proclaimed foodies and Karisma's latest picture serves as proof.
Check out Karisma Kapoor's post here:
On Friendship Day, Karisma Kapoor reposted a video shared by Kareena that features the siblings having lunch together. The caption on that video read: "What I mean when I say... 'Lolo and I had a productive weekend'," and Karisma reshared it with this caption: "Always love our lunches."
Karisma Kapoor, who loves to share throwback pictures of herself, recently posted a photo from her childhood and wrote: "Flashback to the time before tote bags.. when I literally carried my house with me." Take a look:
Karisma Kapoor was last seen in the ALT Balaji and ZEE5 web series Mentalhood where she shared screen space with Sanjay Suri, Sandhya Mridul, Shilpa Shukla and Shruti Seth. Her last Hindi film remains Dangerous Ishhq, after which she featured in special roles in films such as Bombay Talkies and Zero.
She as starred in hits like Raja Babu, Coolie No 1, Raja Hindustani and Biwi No 1, and acclaimed films such as Fiza and Zubeidaa.