Karthi, on Monday, informed his fans on Twitter that his Facebook account was hacked. In his tweet, he added that they were working with the social media giant to retrieve the handle. The actor tweeted, "Hello guys, my Facebook page has been hacked. We are trying to restore it with Fb team." Soon after he posted, his fans flooded the comment section. A fan wrote, "Noted. Taken care. Hope your account will restore soon. Wish you all good luck," while another wrote, "Ok Anna hope it gets recovered soon as possible."
Here have a look:
Karthi is currently basking in the success of his recently released film Ponniyin Selvan: I. Helmed by Mani Ratnam, the magnum opus also featured Vikram, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Jayam Ravi and Trisha. The movie was released in five regional languages - Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam.
A few days ago, Karthi announced his next film Japan, helmed by Raju Murugan and produced by SR Prakash Babu and Se Prabhu. Sharing the pictures on Twitter, he wrote, "Japan, an ambitious and auspicious beginning. Need all your best wishes makkale."
Here have a look:
On the work front, Karthi was last seen in PS Mithran's Sardar, co-starring Raashii Khanna, Chunky Panday, Rajisha Vijayan and others. The movie garnered immense praise from the audience and critics. Next, he will be seen in the sequel of Mani Ratnam's Ponniyin Selvan and Japan.
Karthi made her debut with the 2007 film Paruthiveeran, co-starring Ponvannan. For the film, he won the Filmfare Award for Best Actor. Since then, he has been featured in several hit films, such as Paiyaa, Madras, Thozha, and others.