Director Kabir Khan and Kartik Aaryan have collaborated on a new project. The film is titled Chandu Champion. The film is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala. Without divulging much details, the director summed up the story of his new project, "A true story of a man who refused to surrender." This is the first time that Kartik and Kabir will be working together. The film is slated to release next year. Kabir's last directorial was 83, which encapsulates the journey of Indian Cricket Team's first World Cup win. Given the title Chandu Champion, the new film could be a sports biopic.
Kabir Khan shared the poster of the film and wrote, "Elated to announce my next one with #SajidNadiadwala. Presenting @kartikaaryan in and as #ChanduChampion - A true story of a man who refused to surrender. Releasing on 14th June 2024." The filmmaker's colleagues wished him good luck on the post. Katrina Kaif, who is a close friend of Kabir, shared an emoji on the post. Actor Gajraj Rao posted some fire emojis on his post.
Take a look at Kabir's post:
Kartik Aaryan shared the same poster with a twist in the caption. He wrote in the caption, "Chandu Nahi.. Champion Hai Main..#ChanduChampion - 14th June 2024 #SajidNadiadwala @kabirkhankk @nadiadwalagrandson @wardakhannadiadwala."
Have a look at Kartik's post:
Kabir Khan is best known for directing hits like Kabul Express, New York, Ek Tha Tiger, Bajrangi Bhaijaan, Phantom, Tubelight and 83. He also directed the web-series The Forgotten Army - Azaadi Ke Liye. Kartik Aaryan was last seen in Satyaprem Ki Katha, which is running in the theatres. Kartik will also be seen in Hansal Mehta's untitled movie.