Actress Sonam Kapoor celebrated her first Karva Chauth after wedding to Anand Ahuja. However, she revealed that Anand 'bullied her' not to fast. Sonam, in an Instagram post on Karva Chauth, said, "I hope to live my best life with you always my love and to being the most progressive, compassionate and gentle man I know. Happy KC and thank you for bullying me into not keeping it in the most hilarious way possible." She added a loved-up picture to her post. The couple are reportedly in London now.
Anand's idea of celebrating the day would be just walking around and working out together. "I didn't bully you! I just said that I'm fasting if you're fasting, and if we don't fast we can just walk around and workout and enjoy the day together! Does that sound like bullying? That sounds like intelligence to me," replied Anand. (Cute, na?)
Later, Sonam hilariously replied to Anand and wrote what he had initially planned. "Let's intermittent fast everyday together, that's proven to increase life span," was Sonam's first reply and later, she added: "Anand, you are also unbearably cranky when hungry."
Here's Sonam Kapoor's Karva Chauth post.
"You two are just amazing" and "So cute" are some of the several comments on the post.
Read their Instagram exchange here:
Meanwhile, Sonam also added a photo to her Instagram stories revealing the couple's mehendi designs for Karva Chauth. Sonam wrote the initials 'A' and 'S' with a heart and Anand also complemented her design with a heart.
Back in Mumbai, Sonam's mom Sunita Kapoor hosted a starry Karva Chauth celebration for her family and friends. "Miss you Sridevi," she wrote. Late actress Sridevi was Anil and Sunita Kapoor's sister-in-law. She was married to filmmaker Boney Kapoor.
Sonam Kapoor and businessman Anand Ahuja married in May in Mumbai. He is the owner of fashion label Bhane and also runs a sneaker brand VegNonVeg.