Kate Middleton given self-defense training

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London: Prince William's wife Kate Middleton has been given special training to protect herself from any kidnap threats, a media report said.

The 29-year-old Duchess of Cambridge recently took the intensive personal protection programme of Special Air Service--a specialised forces regiment of the British Army--amidfears she has become a kidnap target, 'The Sun' reported.

This is because her profile has soared following her wedding to Prince William. And, moreover, her new-found Royal status not only has earned her millions of fans--but also made her a target for terrorists, abductors and cranks.

The course--described as "very tough, physically and mentally"--has been taken by other members of the Royal Family as well as politicians and people working in dangerous countries, the report said.

It teaches key survival skills such as noticing anything unusual in routine surroundings, how to react when attacked and how to build a relationship with hostage takers, the tabloid said.

Other elements include driving under pressure and passing on coded messages.

A source said: "The Palace want to ensure Kate's new status doesn't make her vulnerable to attack. She has been well trained in what to do should the unthinkable happen. VIP kidnap protection training teaches how to cope both mentally and physically. The mental element involves reacting to unusual situations, such as when there was a stranger in the Queen'sbedroom -- and she just started talking to him."