Paramount has unveiled the then 19-year-old Kate Winslet's eight-minute screen test
Los Angeles:
The original screen test whichOscar-winning actress Kate Winslet gave for James Cameron'sTitanic has been unveiled as part of the film's release thisweek on Blu-Ray.
Paramount has unveiled the then 19-year-old Winslet'seight-minute screen test, where she was seen opposite actorJeremy Sisto in the role of Jack Dawson instead of LeonardoDiCaprio, reported Deadline Hollywood.
Winslet, who was relatively unknown then, fought withheavyweight names like Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrowfor the lead role in the epic tale sending the 58-year-olddirector a rose with a note that read, "I'm ready."
The video footage shows her dressed in period clothes andstanding in a set of her cabin room, reading out a lengthyscene which includes lines that featured in the movie.It was the first real scene between her and Dawson, forwhich Clueless star Sisto was auditioning.
"I'm sure I wasn't really a very good actress," Winslethad said earlier this year while recounting her time on themovie.
Cameron said about her casting, "A 19-year-old girl whowas going to carry a film of that scale on her shoulders, it'sa huge responsibility. You're standing on set surrounded by2,000 extras and all the lights and cameras are pointed atyou. If you don't pull it off, it doesn't work. A lot ofpeople would have imploded at that, but she didn't."
The blockbuster has taken over USD 2 billion at theworldwide box office, and is the second most successful filmof all time, behind Cameron's Avatar.
Paramount has unveiled the then 19-year-old Winslet'seight-minute screen test, where she was seen opposite actorJeremy Sisto in the role of Jack Dawson instead of LeonardoDiCaprio, reported Deadline Hollywood.
Winslet, who was relatively unknown then, fought withheavyweight names like Jennifer Aniston and Gwyneth Paltrowfor the lead role in the epic tale sending the 58-year-olddirector a rose with a note that read, "I'm ready."
The video footage shows her dressed in period clothes andstanding in a set of her cabin room, reading out a lengthyscene which includes lines that featured in the movie.It was the first real scene between her and Dawson, forwhich Clueless star Sisto was auditioning.
"I'm sure I wasn't really a very good actress," Winslethad said earlier this year while recounting her time on themovie.
Cameron said about her casting, "A 19-year-old girl whowas going to carry a film of that scale on her shoulders, it'sa huge responsibility. You're standing on set surrounded by2,000 extras and all the lights and cameras are pointed atyou. If you don't pull it off, it doesn't work. A lot ofpeople would have imploded at that, but she didn't."
The blockbuster has taken over USD 2 billion at theworldwide box office, and is the second most successful filmof all time, behind Cameron's Avatar.