Deepika Padukone celebrated her 34th birthday on Sunday and on the occasion, her friends from the industry wished her in the most adorable way on social media. From Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt to Madhuri Dixit and Diana Penty, Bollywood celebrities showered the birthday girl with a whole lot of love. Sharing a photo of Deepika Padukone on her Instagram story, Katrina Kaif wished her like this: "To everything you are and will be, all the happiness and love to you." Alia Bhatt also posted a picture of Deepika on her Instagram profile and wrote: "Happy birthday, lovely. Have a beautiful day. Biggest hug."
Madhuri Dixit Nene wished the actress on Twitter and wrote: "Here's wishing you a day filled with laughter and surrounded by the ones you love. I wish that you enjoy the best of everything in life. Happy birthday, Deepika Padukone."
Here's wishing you a day filled with laughter & surrounded by the ones you love. I wish that you enjoy the best of everything in life. Happy birthday @deepikapadukone
— Madhuri Dixit Nene (@MadhuriDixit) January 5, 2020
Diana Penty, who has worked with Deepika in the 2012 film Cocktail, wrote a special message for her: ""Happy Birthday DP! Keep shining bright like you always do! Love, happiness and success always."
Happy Birthday DP!!!! Keep shining bright like you always do! Love, happiness and success always @deepikapadukone
— Diana Penty (@DianaPenty) January 5, 2020
Here's what Tamannaah Bhatia wrote for Deepika Padukone:
Happy birthday gorgeous! Have an amazing day and a blessed year @deepikapadukone
— Tamannaah Bhatia (@tamannaahspeaks) January 5, 2020
Nikitin Dheer, who co-starred with the actress in Chennai Express, accompanied his birthday wish with a long note for her. He shared a still from their film and wrote: "Happy birthday, Meenamma ... the coolest, most gracious and definitely the most beautiful co-actor... Hoping to have the pleasure of sharing screen space with you very soon. Hope you have a rocker of a year. BTW, this is a deleted scene where Meenamma chose Tangaballi over Rahul, but was forced to be with Rahul, you can see the pain in her eyes... (not true)."
Deepika Padukone celebrated her birthday with acid attack survivors in Lucknow.