The fourth episode of the popular TV quiz show Kaun Banega Crorepati began with a new contestant arriving at the hot seat. Mahesh Badrinath was the first contestant to answer the Fastest Finger First question in the least time. He happens to be a computer teacher from Maharashtra. Mahesh was accompanied by his mother, sister and a few of his friends. During the course of the episode, he opened up about his dreams and how he works for 17 hours a day.
Mahesh managed to sail smoothly through the first few questions. However he got stuck on the 11th question. A confused Mahesh resorted to the Expert Advice lifeline and sought the help of eminent journalist Pankaj Pachauri. The question that Mahesh got stuck on was "Which Parliamentarian has held the portfolios of Home, External Affairs, Finance and also the Deputy PM of India?"
Mahesh decided to use his last helpline and flipped the question he wasn't quite sure about. As a apart of the flip lifeline, Mahesh was offered a list of subjects, from which he picked entertainment. The question was: "Whose last cameo appearance on screen was in the Hindi film Zero?"
After earning Rs 6,40,000, Mahesh decided to quit the show. The next contestant to make it to the host seat was Noopur Chauhan. She recalled how Kab Tak Rokoge Mujhe, a poem recited by Big B, in the previous season of KBC turned out to be a major motivating factor for her. Big B even gave her standing ovation to Noopur for her never-say-never spirit. She will continue playing the game in tomorrow's episode.