Amitabh Bachchan's grandson Agastya Nanda is all set to make his big Bollywood debut with The Archies, a Hindi adaptation of the popular comics. After Zoya Akhtar shared an update from the project, Amitabh Bachchan responded to a tweet by a fan and he wrote: "Agastya... a new chapter begins in your life and there cannot be greater joy among us all ... my blessings my love and my wishes ever ... do well...And keep the flag flying." A few hours later, Amitabh Bachchan deleted the tweet from his profile. Agastya is the son of author Shweta Bachchan Nanda and business tycoon Nikhil Nanda. The film also features Suhana Khan and Khushi Kapoor.
The film's shooting began on Monday. Filmmaker Zoya Akhtar shared an update on Instagram and she wrote: "Back To The Future. The Archies."
Last year, in November, Zoya Akhtar announced her association with the project in an Instagram post. The Hindi adaptation of The Archie comics will be co-produced by Zoya Akhtar, Reema Kagti and Sharad Devarajan under their production houses Tiger Baby and Graphic India. She wrote: "Archie and the Crew are about to get Down and Desi! 'The Archies' A coming-of-age musical drama directed by me. Coming soon to Netflix."
See the post here:
The adventures of Archie Andrews and his squad including Veronica, Betty, Jughead and Reggie, have been immortalised by several adaptions of films and cartoon series. The character Archie Andrews first appeared in the Pep Comics and gained insane popularity in as a standalone character in the pop culture. We would love to see what the Indian adaptation of the series has in store.
Agastya is the grandchild of Bollywood veterans Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan. Khushi Kapoor is the daughter of late superstars Sridevi and film producer Boney Kapoor. Her sister Janhvi Kapoor also features in Bollywood films.