There is a reason fans love Ananya Panday. The actress, who is a social media sensation, had all her followers smiling on Friday when she shared a new post. In it, the actress is holding a bouquet and not a flower one. The star is seen holding a bouquet of fries and that is all she wants she declares in her caption. Here, Ananya Panday is smiling as she bites into a fry. For caption, she wrote, “I just want a bouquet of French fries." Reacting to the post, producer Tanuj Garg said, “The truffle ones.”
See the post here:
Ananya Panday seems to be in a happy place especially with all the positive feedback coming her way for her upcoming film Gehraiyaan. The teaser of the film, which was released recently, garnered praises from all quarters much to the actress' delight. Sharing a collection of candid images of herself smiling and screaming with joy, she wrote: “Feeling (smile with heart emoji) overwhelmed by all the love towards Gehraiyaan and the teaser already.” The film is safe to premiere on Amazon Prime Video on January 25, 2022.
Before the teaser of the film was released, Ananya Panday shared a series of behind-the-scenes images from the sets of the movie with co-stars Deepika Padukone, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Dhairya Karwa. In the caption, she said, “The experience of this film, the people, all the feelings, every moment - has been nothing short of magic. Grateful to be part of it.”
Before that, Ananya Panday shared a set of glamorous pictures. But it was her caption that won the Internet over. She wrote, “I'm fully aware that I look like fruit when it comes in that net thing.” Replying to the post, actress Tamannaah Bhatia dropped laughing emojis.
In addition to Gehraiyaan, Ananya Panday will be seen in the film Liger alongside Vijay Deverakonda and Mike Tyson.