Kiara Advani hosted a midnight birthday party, which was attended by her close friends and colleagues. Kiara's 26th birthday bash was attended by Vicky Kaushal, Dino Morea, Sidharth Malhotra, Poonam Dhillon, Ashutosh Gowariker and Sophie Choudry. Sanjay Kapoor arrived with his wife Maheep at the venue. Kiara's co-star from her debut film Fugly - Mohit Marwah - was also part of the celebrations. The actress dazzled in a Hervé Léger metallic gold bodycon dress. She paired her bandage dress with studded Christian Louboutin pumps. Outside the party venue, Kiara came and greeted the paparazzi and she was all smiles as she posed for them. She had a small cake cutting session in the presence of the shutterbugs.
Inside Kiara's midnight birthday bash.
Kiara Advani invited her Lust Stories co-star Vicky Kaushal, who entered the venue dressed in a black and white striped sweatshirt and jeans. Her Fugly co-star Mohit Marwah and Dino Morea entered the party casually dressed. Sidharth Malhotra was also part of the guestlist.
Maheep Kapoor and Seema Khan posed with designer Vikram Phadnis.
Poonam Dhillon, Sophie Choudry and designer Nandita Mahtani were also part of the guest list.
Kiara Advani made her Bollywood debut in 2014's Fugly and featured in films like M S Dhoni: The Untold Story and Machine. Kiara made her debut in the Telugu film industry with Koratala Siva's Bharat Ane Nenu (2018) opposite Mahesh Babu.
Kiara Advani was recently seen in Netflix anthology Lust Stories, where she featured in director Karan Johar's segment.