When you put Bollywood BFFs, superstar Ajay Devgn and filmmaker Rohit Shetty in one room, fun is guaranteed. The two big names have appeared together as guests on the latest episode of Koffee With Karan 8. From speaking about their early days together on a film set to their upcoming ventures, Ajay Devgn and Rohit Shetty were at their candid best on the show. The two also spoke very highly of each other, showing just how deep-rooted their friendship is. For instance, Rohit Shetty spoke about Ajay Devgn's unperturbed reaction to both success and failure, calling it similar to Salman Khan's approach. Explaining that they are both unfazed by hits and flops, Rohit Shetty said, “I talk about him (Ajay) to my friends and my team members about Ajay and Salman (Khan). If the film is a blockbuster, they are sitting outside in their van and chilling and if it's not well, they are sitting outside their van and chilling on shoot. It doesn't bother them at all."
On the show, Rohit Shetty also spoke about his last release Cirkus, which failed to do well at the box office. Speaking about the project, the director said, “When Cirkus didn't do well, Anupam Kher came to my office. He's a friend and we've worked on one film and one very good thing he said, 'After a point in your life when you've worked so much, it's the event that fails, it's not you.' And yes, we went wrong and it was a film made during the pandemic and was made before Sooryavanshi was released. Somewhere I, as a director, went wrong with that film, and good it was a small film that I went wrong with and not a big one.”
Rohit Shetty also added that he was back to work, on the set of Indian Police Force, the Amazon Prime Video web series, within three days of Cirkus' underwhelming performance.
You can watch the promo of the episode here:
Rohit Shetty and Ajay Devgn have worked together on several films including Zameen, the Golmaal franchise, the Singham franchise and Bol Bachchan, among others.