Jackie Shroff's daughter Krishna Shroff, who is a self-confessed fitness enthusiast, shared a boomerang of herself on her Instagram profile recently. In the video, she can be seen dressed in a red bikini as she chills by the pool. Krishna, who never fails to give her Instafam fitness goals, captioned her post: "Does red make me look fat?" In the comments section of her post, her brother Tiger Shroff, dropped a ROFL remark to tease Krishna. He jokingly wrote: "Fat AF." Tiger Shroff's rumoured girlfriend Disha Patani wrote "hot" in the comments section.
Take a look at Krishna Shroff's post here:
This is what Tiger Shroff and Disha Patani commented :
Krishna Shroff recently posted about her breakup on her Instagram story. Krishna, who dated Eban Hyams for almost a year, wrote in her Instagram story last week: "All you fan clubs are cute and all, but please stop tagging me in edits with Eban. We aren't together anymore, so stop associating us. Letting you all know since it was so public. Thanks." Here's what she posted on social media:
Krishna Shroff is the daughter of Bollywood actor Jackie Shroff and film producer Ayesha Shroff. She owns an MMA training centre named MMA Matrix, which she launched in November 2018. Krishna is a fitness enthusiast just like her brother and Bollywood actor Tiger Shroff, who has been trained in several forms of martial arts and is often seen displaying his parkour skills on his Instagram profile.