Love is in the air for Kriti Kharbanda and Pulkit Samrat. The couple could not take hands off each other as we can see in their latest pictures. Kriti shared the happy moment from a function where she proudly called the Fukrey actor 'mera.' The 30-year-old looked stunning in an ethnic outfit with delicate mirror work on it. She wore chunky earrings and maang tikka to accessorise the traditional look. Pulkit picked a Lucknowi chikankari kurta and a pair of funky goggles. In one of the snaps, Kriti is seen planting a kiss on Pulkit's cheek.
Earlier, Kriti made heads turn in a stunning black ruffled saree. Kriti kept it glamorous with straight hair and an emerald choker. Pulkit could not resist commenting, "Garmiiiii!" under this social media post.
Kriti was last seen in the web series Taish, directed by Bejoy Nambiar. Next, she will feature opposite Dulquer Salmaan in Vaan. The debut venture of RA Karthik will have Kalyani Priyadarshan and Priya Bhavani Shankar in important roles. Kriti will also work with Vikrant Massey in 14 Phere.
Pulkit's upcoming film is Haathi Mere Saathi. The released date of the film has been pushed further due to pandemic. The actor announced it on social media saying, "Dear viewers, It pains us to share this news but given the COVID-19 situation in the Hindi markets, the team of Haathi Mere Saathi has decided to hold on to the release of the film. We shall keep you posted on further developments. However, we will be releasing Aranya and Kaadan in the South markets on the 26th of March."
The 37-year-old star also revealed that Fukrey 3 will go on the floors in a couple of weeks.