Kriti Sanon shared an adorable birthday post for filmmaker Ashutosh Gowariker on Friday night. Kriti, who is working with the director in her forthcoming film Panipat, shared a selfie with the filmmaker and accompanied the post with an extensive note. "Happiest birthday to the calmest director ever! Ashu Sir, I'm so glad that I got this opportunity to work with you and know you. Thank you for all the warmth and smiles and encouragement every single day on the set. Wish this year is the best you've ever had," read an excerpt from Kriti Sanon's post. In her post, the Luka Chuppi actress also teased her Panipat co-star Arjun Kapoor and added, "Arjun Kapoor, we missed you but I ate an extra piece of cake from your side."
Take a look at Kriti Sanon's post here:
Arjun Kapoor might have missed Ashutosh Gowariker's birthday cake but the actor has been actively sharing updates from his preparatory sessions of the film. Arjun, who has been actively training for his role in the film, shared a post on his Instagram profile last week and wrote: "Time to prepare for battle , next schedule of Panipat in Jaipur from tomorrow. Time to get back into the zone."
This is what we are talking about:
As a part of their preparatory sessions, both Kriti Sanon and Arjun Kapoor took horse riding lessons. Take a look at pictures from Kriti and Arjun's horse-riding sessions here:
Last year, Panipat director Ashutosh Gowariker shared a motion a poster of the film on Twitter and revealed that the film is based on the historic "Third Battle of Panipat." Mr Gowariker tweeted: "Historical dramas have always fascinated me. This time it is a story about what led to the Third Battle of Panipat."