Television star Shraddha Arya, who is known for her work in several hit shows over the years, is now getting associated with Dharma Productions. Sending her fans into a tizzy, Shraddha subtly shared the big news by posting the photo of a handwritten note from filmmaker Karan Johar, the head of Dharma Productions, on Instagram. The note signed by the filmmaker says, “Dearest Shradha, Welcome to the Dharma family. All my love, Karan.” The personalized note also features a Karan Johar stamp in gold. Shraddha has shared no further details regarding the capacity in which she will be involved with Dharma, one of the biggest banners in Bollywood.
Before the image of the handwritten note, Shraddha also shared an Instagram Stories post of a vanity van with her name and Dharma Productions written on it.
A few days ago, Shraddha Arya struck a pose as the quintessential Bollywood heroine in a saree with the pallu in the air. In the caption, she said, “Are you even wearing a Saree if you don't fly the pallu in the air?! Lol #SomeStills #SareeJahanSeAcha.”
Shraddha Arya also recently dropped a set of images of herself riding a bike on a rainy day. In the caption, she said, “Loving the simple pleasures of life. A bike ride with my HubBub on a rainy-Waney Day!!”
Shraddha Arya married Delhi-based naval officer Rahul Sharma in a dreamy ceremony, last year. Rahul is also a regular fixture on Shraddha's social media handles. Recently, on the occasion of her husband's birthday, Shraddha shared a bunch of loved up images and said, “Happy birthday to my camera shy husband. Thank you for who you are and all that you do for us (which includes our country too). I love you!”
Shraddha Arya is currently seen in the role of Dr. Preeta Arora Luthra in Kundali Bhagya. Some of her previous works include Bhagya Lakshmi, Tumhari Pakhi, and Main Lakshmi Tere Aangan Ki.