Aamir Khan's Laal Singh Chaddha has had a disappointing run at the box office so far. The long weekend, thanks to Raksha Bandhan and Independence Day – a national holiday, failed to set cash registers ringing, trade analyst Taran Adarsh noted in a social media post. In a post on Koo, Taran Adarsh shared that the total earnings of the film over five days has failed to cross the first-day earnings of Aamir Khan's last film, Thugs Of Hindostan, which received flak from critics and audience alike. Sharing details, Taran Adarsh said, “Laal Singh Chaddha is rejected... LSC 5-day total is lower than *Day 1* total of Thugs Of Hindostan [₹ 50.75 cr; Hindi version], do the math... Thu 11.70 cr [Raksha Bandhan], Fri 7.26 cr, Sat 9 cr, Sun 10 cr, Mon 7.87 cr [Independence Day]. Total: ₹ 45.83 cr."
See the post here:
During Aamir Khan's recent appearance on Koffee With Karan, the actor admitted that he was stressed about the release of the film. On being asked by Karan Johar if he is stressed, Aamir said, “Of course, I am stressed, kaise sawaal pooch raha hai yaar (What kind of questions are you asking)?” Explaining further, he said, “We are excited that we have made a good film, lekin agar film logon ko pasand nahin aayi, bahut dil toot jaayega (If people don't like the film, we will be heartbroken).”
Laal Singh Chaddha is the Hindi remake of the Hollywood classic Forrest Gump and has been directed by Advait Chandan. The film stars Aamir Khan in the titular role alongside Kareena Kapoor as Rupa. The film also stars Mona Singh as Laal's mother and Naga Chaitanya as Balaraju Bodi, making the film his Bollywood debut.
Laal Singh Chaddha is Aamir Khan's third collaboration with Kareena Kapoor after 3 Idiots and Talaash: The Answer Lies Within. Aamir Khan's Rang De Basanti co-star Atul Kulkarni has worked on the screenplay of Laal Singh Chaddha. It was released in theatres on August 11.