On Lal Salaam release day, actor Vishnu Vishal and his wife and Badminton player Jwala Gutta were twinning in customised shirts. Jwala Gutta shared a set of images on her Instagram profile. Tamil actor and producer Vishnu Vishal, who is a part of Rajinikanth's Lal Salaam, can be seen wearing a black hoodie on which Lal Salaam is written in red. Jwala Gutta can also be seen dressed in a similar black t-shirt in the pictures. The couple posed with team Vishu Vishal members and they can be seen smiling for the cameras. Jwala Gutta wrote in the caption, "LAL SALAAM. Team: @thevishnuvishal." For the unversed, Lal Salaam marks Rajinikanth's daughter Aishwarya Rajinikanth's directorial return. Take a look at the post here:
Talking about Rajinikanth's character Moideen Bai and the essence of the film, Aishwarya Rajinikanth told NDTV, "Moideen Bai plays a very important role in the film. There is a little bit of politics that we have touched upon. There are a little bit of sports that we have touched upon. There is a lot of humanity and human relationships that we have touched upon. So I guess, the film will be a very emotional package which talks about very strong content that is the need of the hour right now." Take a look at the video here:
Vishnu Vishal trended a great deal when he and Aamir Khan were rescued by the fire and rescue department in Karapakkam in a boat in Chennai after Cyclone Michaung devastated many parts of Tamil Nadu last year. Vishnu Vishal shared pictures of the rescue operation. In the pictures, Aamir Khan can be seen dressed in a white shirt and wearing spectacles. In another picture, Vishnu Vishal can be seen clicking a selfie with Aamir Khan and the rescue workers. Vishnu Vishal's wife Jwala Gutta, a national badminton champion, can also be spotted in one picture. Sharing the pictures on X, Vishnu wrote, "Thanks to the fire and rescue department in helping people like us who are stranded. Rescue operations have started in karapakkam.. Saw 3 boats functioning already. Great work by TN govt in such testing times. Thanks to all the administrative people who are working relentlessly." Take a look:
Vishnu Vishal is popular for films like Mundasupatti, Jeeva, Indru Netru Naalai, Katha Nayagan, Silukkuvarupatti Singam, Aranya, to name a few.