Singer Lata Mangeshkar, who is admitted to Mumbai's Breach Candy Hospital since last week, is "stable and responding positively to the treatment," filmmaker Madhur Bhandarkar tweeted after visiting the veteran singer at the hospital on Tuesday. Ms Mangeshkar was admitted to the intensive care unit of the hospital after reportedly complaining of breathing trouble. After his hospital visit, Madhur Bhandarkar informed Lata Mangeshkar's fans about her health condition and tweeted: "Visited the hospital to see Lata didi. Glad to inform that she is stable and responding positively to the treatment. Thanks everyone for countless blessings and prayers for her speedy recovery."
Visited the Hospital to see @mangeshkarlata didi glad to inform that she is stable and responding positively to the treatment. Thanks everyone for countless blessings & prayers for her speedy recovery
— Madhur Bhandarkar (@imbhandarkar) November 19, 2019
Lata Mangeshkar turned 90 in September this year. She was hospitalised last week after complaining of breathing difficulty. Earlier in the day, a spokesperson told news agency IANS that the singer is "much better" now. Her family has also continuously informed her fans about her health. Previously, Laga Mangeshkar's family told news agency PTI that they will take the singer home when the doctors will inform them. "She is doing fine. She is still in the hospital and when the doctors will tell us to take her home then we will do so," Lata Mangeshkar's younger sister Usha told PTI.
Earlier, a tweet on Lata Mangeshkar's official profile read: "Lata didi is stable and recovering. We thank each one of you for your concern, care and prayers."
Lata didi is stable..and recovering...
— Lata Mangeshkar (@mangeshkarlata) November 14, 2019
We thank each one of you, for your concern, care and prayers!
Lata Mangeshkar began her career in 1942. She has sung more than 30,000 songs across several Indian languages. Ms Mangeshkar has been honoured with the Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan, Padma Bhushan and Dadasaheb Phalke Award.