Los Angeles:
Heiress Paris Hilton'sinfamous sex tape has got entangled in a new lawsuit as pornbosses battle to keep the film away from illegal downloaders.
The 29-year-old blonde beauty grabbed headlines backin 2004 when a porn video called 1 Night in Paris surfacedon the internet featuring her with her former boyfriend RickSalomon.
The tape became an instant best-seller and nowexecutives of the company who own the copyright are suingonline users for downloading the footage without paying, TMZonline reported.
Bosses at XPays Inc, who obtained the copyright fromSalomon's brother Jim, have filed a suit in Los Angeles CountySuperior Court, targeting 843 users who are alleged to haveillegally obtained the film between 2010 and 2011.
The 29-year-old blonde beauty grabbed headlines backin 2004 when a porn video called 1 Night in Paris surfacedon the internet featuring her with her former boyfriend RickSalomon.
The tape became an instant best-seller and nowexecutives of the company who own the copyright are suingonline users for downloading the footage without paying, TMZonline reported.
Bosses at XPays Inc, who obtained the copyright fromSalomon's brother Jim, have filed a suit in Los Angeles CountySuperior Court, targeting 843 users who are alleged to haveillegally obtained the film between 2010 and 2011.