Actor Vijay Deverakonda is a force to reckon with. As an outsider with no connections to the film industry, Vijay started his journey as a character actor before making his debut as a leading man in the Telugu film Pelli Choopulu. But it was his 2017 film Arjun Reddy that catapulted him to nationwide fame and superstardom. The actor's upcoming project Liger promises to further cement his position as one of the country's most bankable actors. And if the social media buzz around Liger after the trailer launch on Thursday is anything to go by, it looks like the team of the film has a winner on their hands. Videos from the trailer launch events have been going viral on social media.
While gigantic cut-outs of actors during a film's release are not unusual in India, Vijay Deverakonda fans set up his cut-outs even for the trailer launch and shared glimpses on social media. Did someone say “superstar” yet?
Also, didn't we say it was nothing short of a celebration?
Many users also praised Vijay Deverakonda's drastic physical transformation for the role of an MMA fighter.
Fans of Vijay Deverakonda are also sure that Liger will break all previous box office records when it releases in theatres on August 25. Sharing a still from the trailer, a fan said, "Our Vijay Deverakonda bagging the box office records on 25 August be like..."
And after the humongous response to the trailer, fans also lost no time in declaring Vijay Deverakonda to be the "next pan India star in the making."
Watch the trailer here:
Liger, which has been produced by Dharma Productions and Puri Connects, is directed by Puri Jagannadh. In addition to Vijay Deverakonda, the film also stars Ananya Panday, Ronit Roy and Ramya Krishna in pivotal roles.