Linsday Lohan is undergoing a 90 day rehab stint in California.
Los Angeles:
Troubled star Lindsay Lohan willnot be permitted to transfer to another rehab until shecompletes her 90-days of court-ordered treatment at the Cliffside facilityin Malibu.
The 26-year-old actress recently left the Betty Fordclinic in Rancho Mirage, California for Cliffside, reportedRadar online.
"Lindsay is receiving excellent treatment at Cliffside andresponding well. She hasn't asked to go to another facility.She is happy with her current situation, and doesn't want toleave," a source said.
"Anyway, neither the judge nor the prosecutor would signoff on another rehab move for Lindsay, if she requested. Itwas made clear that allowing her to leave Betty Ford forCliffside would be a one-time occurrence," it added.
However, Lindsay's father Michael Lohan wants her totransfer to a facility on the east coast, in order to be nearher family.
"She wants to be on the east coast because it's easier forfamily to see her," he said.
Lindsay's mother Dina believes she will continue toflourish in her latest rehab facility.
The 26-year-old actress recently left the Betty Fordclinic in Rancho Mirage, California for Cliffside, reportedRadar online.
"Lindsay is receiving excellent treatment at Cliffside andresponding well. She hasn't asked to go to another facility.She is happy with her current situation, and doesn't want toleave," a source said.
"Anyway, neither the judge nor the prosecutor would signoff on another rehab move for Lindsay, if she requested. Itwas made clear that allowing her to leave Betty Ford forCliffside would be a one-time occurrence," it added.
However, Lindsay's father Michael Lohan wants her totransfer to a facility on the east coast, in order to be nearher family.
"She wants to be on the east coast because it's easier forfamily to see her," he said.
Lindsay's mother Dina believes she will continue toflourish in her latest rehab facility.