Rohit Saraf has tested positive for the coronavirus, the actor announced in an Instagram post on Wednesday. Rohit, who was worked in films like Ludo and The Sky Is Pink, shared that "despite the precautions," he has contracted the coronavirus and is currently in "isolation." The actor shared a graphic, the text on which read: "Despite the precautions, I have tested COVID positive. The virus is right here, let us not forget! Let's not slack even for a moment, please. I've been in isolation for the past four days with all the possible symptoms and that's why, I request all of you to please not take this lightly. Take care and stay safe."
Sharing the graphic, he urged his fans to "be careful for your own sake." He wrote in his caption: "Please stay put unless urgent. I urge you all to be careful for your own sake and for that of others. PS. I am coping well, all things considered. My team and all the people who were in contact with me in the past 7 days have been informed and they've all isolated and tested themselves too."
Read Rohit Saraf's post here:
Rohit Saraf made his debut in Bollywood with Shah Rukh Khan and Alia Bhatt's 2016 film Dear Zindagi. He went on to feature in Rani Mukerji's 2018 film Hichki.
Rohit became a household name after he co-starred with Priyanka Chopra, Farhan Akhtar and Zaira Wasim in the 2019 film The Sky Is Pink.
The actor was last seen in Netflix original series Mismatched and in Anurag Basu's Ludo, both of which released last year.
Rohit also featured in teen drama Best Friends Forever? that aired from 2012-13.