Kartik Aaryan and Kriti Sanon's Luka Chuppi had an excellent run at the box office in its first week, trade analyst Taran Adarsh reports. The film opened to mixed reviews last Friday and so far, it has earned Rs 53.70 crore. On Thursday, Luka Chuppi added Rs 4.03 crore to its total collection, which, till Wednesday was Rs 49.67 crore. In his tweet, Mr Adarsh also added that the same trend in Week 2 for Luka Chuppi will be 'pivotal' as new films released this Friday and thus, it's screen count will also be reduced. "Luka Chuppi has excellent Week 1. Controlled costing ensures hit status. Trending in Week 2 pivotal, since it faces new films and (slightly) reduced screens. Friday 8.01 crore, Saturday 10.08 crore, Sunday 14.04 crore, Monday 7.90 crore, Tuesday 5.04 crore, Wed 4.60 crore, Thursday 4.03 crore. Total: Rs 53.70 crore," read Taran Adarsh's tweet.
#LukaChuppi has excellent Week 1... Controlled costing ensures HIT status... Trending in Week 2 pivotal, since it faces new films and [slightly] reduced screens... Fri 8.01 cr, Sat 10.08 cr, Sun 14.04 cr, Mon 7.90 cr, Tue 5.04 cr, Wed 4.60 cr, Thu 4.03 cr. Total: 53.70 cr.
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) March 8, 2019
Also, at the end of Week 1, Luka Chuppi is the biggest first week grosser of Kartik Aaryan's past two films - Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety and Pyaar Ka Punchnama 2. Here's Taran Adarsh's tweet.
When numbers do the talking... #LukaChuppi emerges Kartik Aaryan's biggest *Week 1* grosser...
— taran adarsh (@taran_adarsh) March 8, 2019
2019: #LukaChuppi 53.70 cr
2018: #SonuKeTituKiSweety 45.94 cr
2015: #PyaarKaPunchnama2 39.25 cr
India biz.
In his review of NDTV, film critic Saibal Chatterjee gave Luka Chuppi 2 stars and wrote, "The film isn't without its moments, but its downside overwhelms its strengths by a big margin. It offers shallow entertainment at best. Watch the film only if that is good enough for you."
Luka Chuppi released along with Sushant Singh Rajput's critically-acclaimed film Sonchiriya, which failed to make numbers at the box office.
This week, Amitabh Bachchan and Taapsee Pannu Badla has hit the screens and also, the Hollywood film Captain Marvel.